Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Ski Day!!

Ricky and I went skiing today. It was awesome!!! Totally gorgeous and about 40 degrees. Super nice. And... it kicked my butt! I have my WW meeting tomorrow and I'm hoping to be down at least another pound. I had 4 points left over last night, as well as tonight, so... I'm hoping that'll help a little bit.

I hopped on the scale this morning and it says I'm down another pound, but.... we'll see what the WW scale says tomorrow night.

No matter what... I am so going skiing again this weekend. Well.. as long as it isn't snowing. And, as long as my mother-in-law is feeling better. She watched the kids for us today, but was feeling really crappy tonight.. she has a cold or something. So, we can't really ask her to watch our kids if she's sick. That would be mean.. haha.

I'm gonna try and do my Tae Bo DVD tomorrow morning... we'll see though. I haven't been able to get up early at all this week. And once the kids get up, there is no way I can work out. *sigh*

1 comment:

  1. Ah, I am so jealous of the skiing. Fun and a workout, not much can beat that. I hope you get to go again :)
