Thursday, March 5, 2009

Another month down....

So, we had the big weigh-in this morning. I was really bummed cause I was only down 6lbs this last month. :( I know I should be happy I lost anything, but after losing 10 lbs the first month... I was really hoping I would keep up that pace, or at least be a little closer to it.

Oh well!!!!

It's a new month and I know what I have to do. EXERCISE!!!!!! I haven't done any type of exercise at all since we started and I know it's crucial to a new healthier lifestyle. I was just doing the WW thing, watching the pounds fall off... but all the while knowing it wouldn't last for long. Guess I hit my wall with that. *sigh* My hope now is... by starting to workout everyday I will get back on the losing streak. ;-) Here's hoping anyway.

It's just sooo hard to find the time! For those who don't know... the hubby and I are currently living at the ski/fishing lodge his G-pa ownes in Cali. We also work here. So while it's great that I can bascially "work from home" and have the kids with me all day (okay.. that one's kind of a double edge sword.. hahaha) it makes it hard to find the time to workout. If I open the office in the morning I have to be all set to go by 8am. Not too bad, except that's usually after a not so restful night with a nursing baby, so I'm not in the mood to get up any earlier than need-be to work out. Then, by the time I'm done working (keep in mind I have been doing the mom thing all the while I'm working in the office as well), I usually have to get dinner ready, then get the kids to bed, then I'm wiped and wannna sleep. If I don't open.... I usually close, so... I can't do anything at night as far as working out. Those are the days I really need to get up early and do something physical. But alas.... I just enjoy sleep far too much. Not to mention.... Ricky has a bad back and so usually he ends up sleeping out in the living room in his recliner. So I'm not sure he'd like it all too much if I turned on my Tae Bo DVD at 6am and began working out in front of him. (He too values what little sleep he gets.. haha)

I really need to just find 20 mins in the afternoon or mid-morning and just DO IT!! No more excuses. Once the weather gets a little better I plan on walking everyday, but it's still too cold out to do that. I'm a fair weather walker/runner. haha


  1. 6 lbs is Awesome! Really it is. The first month is kind of unique, I don't think anyone will lose the same they did in month one if their number was higher than 8 or 9. You are doing great.

  2. 6 lbs is fantastic! Especially when considering your size! You are doing amazing Whitney. Can't wait to see what next month brings!

  3. It's frustrating when things seem to always get in the way of working out. Last week I had three sick kids, so even though I took some days off from work, the workout never happened. At least you're sticking to your eating plan. Good luck in March!
